The two crucial elements to keep your fitness in check are nutrition and exercise. Both are essential to ensure optimal performance and health in sports. Training helps you stay fit and free of injuries while maintaining the lean mass of your muscles, burning calories and enhancing endurance for your cardiovascular system. Nutrition is equally crucial in ensuring that your body can function at its peak by providing proper fueling for workouts and recovery afterwards.
Five factors of fitness for athletes
-Cardiovascular endurance The capacity of your heart and lungs to provide oxygenated blood to muscles. The most important of the five elements of fitness.
-Flexibility The term “flexibility” refers to the extent that a muscle can be stretched before becoming uncomfortable or tense. Flexible joints permit greater mobility and lower the risk of injuries.
-Body composition Body composition is the body’s size divided by its height or fat mass / lean mass. This measure will give you an idea of whether you carry lots of muscles or how many. Muscle mass will help keep your body warm and provide you with an additional source of energy, and fat stores offer little benefit but are more susceptible to being stored than glycogen.
-Muscular Endurance Muscular endurance refers to how your muscles can carry out repetitive motions such as throwing a baseball or a jump rope for long periods without getting tired or hurt.
-Muscular Strength Capacity to lift heavy weights