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Balanced Diet with Minerals and Vitamins

We all know that it is essential to eat a balanced diet every day. We must ensure that our diet comprises all the vital nutrients our bodies need, including proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. But what are these ‘micro-nutrients’ that we need so much?

Vitamins and minerals are essential for many processes in the body. They play a role in keeping our bones and teeth strong, maintaining our immune system, and helping us to convert food into energy. Therefore, ensuring that our diets provide enough of these essential micro-nutrients is vital.

Vitamins and minerals can be found in various foods, such as fruits, vegetables, chicken, eggs, cereals, nuts, red meat, and dairy products. While these foods should form the basis of our diets, it is essential to recognize that the vitamins and minerals contained within them may not be enough to meet our daily needs.

If our diets do not provide us with enough vitamins and minerals, we may have to consider taking a supplement. However, checking with your doctor before taking any supplements is essential, as taking too many specific vitamins and minerals could be detrimental to your health.


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