Marathon runners are a special breed of athletes. They can easily cover vast distances, thanks to their dedication to amazing physical abilities.
Below are a few sets they perform
-Bulg Split Squats: This exercise helps to build strength in the legs and improve balance. It is important for runners to have strong legs in order to cover long distances.
-Kettlebell swings: This exercise helps to build power in the legs and improve the range of motion in the hips. This is important for runners because they need to be able to generate a lot of power with each stride.
-DB leg curl: This exercise helps to build strength in the hamstrings and improve joint stability. This is important for runners because they need strong hamstrings to generate power and keep their joints stable.
-Barbell Squats: This exercise helps to build strength in the legs and improve the range of motion in the hips. This is important for runners because they need to be able to generate a lot of power with each stride.
-Calf Raises: This exercise helps to build strength in the calf muscles and improve joint stability. This is important for runners because they need strong calf muscles to generate power and keep their joints stable.
These exercises are just a few of the many that marathon runners use to stay in top shape. They can cover such long distances because of their dedication to training and amazing physical abilities.